Life-Career Excellence  Coaching

Sometimes it’s hard to juggle work, family, and personal goals – let alone find time for yourself. With life-career excellence coaching, you will get the support you need to identify you why’s and your individualized ways to work toward sustainable life-career excellence and fulfillment.

Create A Thriving Career That Is Both Personally And Professionally Satisfying.

Leveraging our proprietary E-I-E-I-O Life-Career Excellence philosophy, you will work with me to set realistic goals and develop an action plan, focusing the G.A.M.E. of life – growth, authenticity, meaning, and excellence. This is an investment that will pay dividends in your future.

Coaching and training certifications in Gallup Clifton’s Strengths, Four Stages of Psychological Safety (TM), DISC, Enneagram, and 16 Types.


The E-I-E-I-O Life-Career Excellence Framework

The E-I-E-I-O framework assesses well-being in both life and career, and prepares you to lead as a future-forward and whole-human 21st-century leader.


Your Physical Wellness
Your Mental Energy
Energy You Send Or Take From Others


Your Purpose
Your Beliefs
Your Values


Your Emotional Management
Your Social Interactions
Emotions You Give Or Receive From Others


Your Knowledge And Experience
Your Competencies And Skills
Your Cognitive Effectiveness


Your Curiosity And Growth Mentality
Your Abundance Mindset
Your Openness To Others

Transform Your Relationship With Work From One Of Stress And Struggle To One Of Joy And Fulfillment.

Are you feeling lost in your life or career? Do you feel stuck and don’t know how to move forward? If so, Life-Career  Excellence  Coaching may be the perfect solution. You’ll learn how to set goals that inspire and excite you and discover new ways to achieve them. I will guide and support you as you explore what brings meaning and joy to your life. You’ll learn new skills, find your passion, and reach your goals.

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Ready To Get Started?

We are here to help you achieve excellence and fulfillment. Please contact us for a free discovery session. We will:

Learn about your needs

Listen to your stories

Talk about our services

Discuss how we can help